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The Show Must Go Online: Virtual Musical Camp

Open to: Grades 3-8

July 6 - August 2, 2020

One full cast session and two individual sessions each week.


A Musical written to be rehearsed and performed remotely.

In this first-of-its kind musical, each actor will receive a 1-2 minute scene/song to rehearse, video record, and upload. When all the videos are played in order, they tell the hilarious story of a group of passionate students desperate to keep their annual musical alive…online!


Be in the show! Virtually! 

Director and Acting Coach, Rory Willats.  Stage Manager, Lucia Davila.


Rehearsals: A new way of doing theatre.  Perfect your part in 9 sessions!

July 6-24,1-4 pm. One full cast session and two individual sessions each week.



July 31 and August 2. Invite friends  and family to watch the show on-line opening night… or later.




Space is limited.

Registration deadline: July 2

Open to those entering grades 3-8 in the fall.


REQUIRED FOR THIS CAMP:  an internet connection, a laptop or desktop computer that has a camera and microphone.  (A separate headset is not required.)

PARENTS!  We ask that a parent or adult supervisor be within "shouting distance" in case of medical emergency or technical difficulties.  


Please email if you are in need of a scholarship, or if you need to pay with a check.  

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