Open to young women actors, grades 9-12.
Rehearsals begin August 28.
Told in story, song, and quilt patches, Quilters is a powerful and heartwarming musical drama that explores the timeless complexity of women's lives. Quilters was originally developed and produced at The Denver Center Theatre Company and is based on “The Quilters: Woman and Domestic Art” by Patricia Cooper & Norma Bradley Allen.
This production is part of Stages new American Mosaic Theatre Series.
This 11-week production class, August 26–November 11, culminates in 4 public performances at the Ivy Tech Waldron Arts Center.
You must be able to commit to the entire schedule.
August 26–November 11
Tuesdays 6:00-8:30 pm
Thursday 6:00-8:30 pm
Saturday mornings 9:00-noon
Three Sunday afternoons, 1:00-4:00 pm
Tech Week 6:00-8:30, Sunday through Thursday Nov 4–Nov 8
Performances Friday through Sunday, Nov 9:00-11:00
The show is cast by open audition. Cast size is 8. There are 8 individual roles. Show will be double cast. The show is a musical. Everyone must be able to match pitch.
You must be able to commit to the entire schedule.
Online audition application. Applications are due by Aug 19.
*If you cannot use the online application or are interested in applying for a scholarship,
email director@stagesbloomington.com immediately. Subject line: Quilters Application
Rehearsals take place at Stages Bloomington’s new Classrooms and Rehearsal Studio at Artisan Alley, 222 W. 2nd Street in Bloomington (map.)
Performances are held on stage at Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Auditorium, 122 S Walnut Street in Bloomington (map.)
Director, Pat Gleeson
Music Director, Deanna Demes
Choreographer, Tamara Loewenthal
Costumes, Nola Hartman
Sets, Brian Lewis
Lighting, Mike Schwandt
This show will be cast by open audition. Tuition is due after roles are assigned and accepted.
We maintain a waitlist until one week before the first day of programming. Contact info@stagesbloomington.com to be added to the waitlist. Our classes and productions do fill up, so be sure to register early!